Tasks are the actions you need to do. For example, you might set a Task to remind you to call a Contact on a particular date. You can set up Tasks for yourself and assign them to other people in your organisation.
When a Task is completed it is automatically saved to the account Activities, creating a timeline in the account.
To Add a Task, in the Account, click on the ‘+ Add‘ button. There are dropdown options for each field and a date picker. If you want to set a time for your task you can do so by unchecking the “All Day Task” box next to the Task Date and typing in the time in the task date field. You can also set Repeat Tasks so a task repeats at a given interval, e.g. every month or year (see below).
You can change the dropdown options to suit your business needs by creating custom settings in the Dropdown Lists.
Once saved, the Task will be added to the Company Account record.
On your CRM Sales Dashboard you can select a widget that will alert you to any outstanding Tasks. You can also access your Tasks list from the main menu. You can filter the Tasks by My Tasks, My Groups’ Tasks and All Tasks.
Complete and New Task
When you complete a task in the CRM system, as well as just Saving, you also have the option to use the ‘Complete and New’ button on the top right corner. ‘Complete and New’ completes the task and then automatically takes you to the ‘Add Task’ page to setup up a new task for the Company Account. For example, you can finish a task to call a client but want to set up a new task straight away to call back a week later to set up a meeting.
Repeat Tasks
Repeat Tasks lets you create a task that repeats at given intervals. For example, you might want to set a task to flag up an annual expiry date or maybe for a 6-weekly courtesy call.
To set a Repeat Task, when creating the task scroll down to the “Repeat” section at the bottom of the screen, then set the “Repeats Enabled” button to “Yes” and set the frequency
Email Notification of Tasks
When you set a Task for someone else you can select whether or not to send the Task Owner an email reminder. N.B. The reminder is sent when you set the Task. Please contact us to switch on this function.
The Tasks widget give you a summary of your outstanding Account Tasks, sorted by the date due and priority:
Overdue (red) = overdue means past the due date/time – i.e. today before now, yesterday and earlier (not including todays tasks without a set time)
Priority (orange) = Where priority is set to “high” and “really high”, or due for today/overdue (i.e. before now, or today with no time)
Today (blue) = this shows any tasks with a date of today (either all day, or time specific)
CRM Calendars
Watch our tutorial video “How to use CRM Calendars”.
Your CRM calendar lets you view and prioritise both your CRM Tasks and Opportunities.
Clicking on a Task from the calendar will display the details on the right hand panel, where you can also click through to edit.
You can easily switch between the different calendar views. i.e. Tasks or Opportunities, and filter to show My Tasks/Opportunities, My Group’s Tasks/Opportunities, or All Tasks/Opportunities.
You can display you calendar by Month view, Week view, Day view or as a Schedule for your day.
Calendar Setup
To set up your calendars you’ll need to be a system Administrator. Go to Settings, open Calendar Settings on the Systems Settings tab.
Next, select either Tasks or Opportunities to determine the settings for each calendar.
Tasks Calendar Settings
The calendar settings include various fields where you can use dropdown lists to set up the information you wish to see. For example, in the Title Field you might set this as the Activity Type (e.g. call, meeting, etc) or maybe use the full Task description. You can also set it to a custom field.
For the calendar Display Date field you have the option to set this to the Activity Date, but also to the Created Date or Modified Date, should these be important to how you manage your Tasks.
There are further optional fields where you can add other details to the calendar entry (e.g. the Account Name).
In the Colour Identifier field, you can set colours to identify your Tasks based on their priority, Task Type, Task Status, Task Owner and Contact Name.
Once you have completed the setup, click save then ‘view calendar’.
You can customise the colours you wish to use by clicking on the dropdown list or by clicking on the colour picker window.